dimarts, 15 d’abril del 2014

Travelling across the Czech Republic with 3rd Grade

We continued celebrating the European Day of Languages by invited Aurélio's mother to teach us about the Czech Republic.  She showed us the important monuments, told us stories, sung the national anthemn, and even got to try a typical cake!

We learned some new words, but it was hard for the children to pronounce them. They were really engaged and liked learning about a new country.
Continue celebrating the European Day of Languages. Today we invited his mother to accompany n'Aurélio why take a bite volteta the Czech Republic. Has shown the most important monuments, has told a story, we sang the hymn and even cooked us a typical cake ....... I also have to say that as the children like me, we have endeavored to learn some words ...... but was almost mission impossible!
The children have been delighted!

Nicole děkuju

Here you can learn more about this wonderful country, its people and their customs. Also check out the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the recipe for cake melicotó .... the links are below in Catalan, take a look!!!

Seguim celebrant el Dia Europeu de les Llengües. Avui hem convidat a sa mare de n’Aurélio per què mos acompanyi a fer una volteta per la República Txeca. Ens ha mostrat els monuments més importants, ens ha contat un conte, ens ha cantat l’himne i fins i tot, ens ha cuinat un pastís típic.......  També he de dir que tan els nins com jo, ens hem esforçat en aprendre algunes paraules però......ha estat missió quasi impossible !
Els nins han quedat encantats !

děkuju Nicole

Aquí podràs saber més coses d’aquest meravellós país, la seva gent i les seves costums. També pots veure el conte de Caputxeta Vermella i la recepta de la coca de melicotó ....fes-hi una ullada!

dijous, 10 d’abril del 2014

Getting dirty with 2nd grade

Hi everyone !

Today we got our hands dirty making a very “dirty recipe,” the dirt cake......mmmmmm!!!

Second grade has learned how to make a dirt cake, it has the easiest ingredients but is quite tasty. 

Want to know how to do it at home? take a look  here

Hola a tots,

Avui mos embrutam ses mans amb una recepta bona bona.... mmmmm!!!
Els nins de segon han après a fer aquesta senzilla tarteta, amb ingredients fàcils i que, a més a més, està boníssima.  Voleu saber com sa fa ? idò mirau aquest vídeo

European Day of Languages


On September 26, every year, we celebrate the European Day of Languages.
Did you know that in Europe there are 225 indigenous languages? How fascinating!

Languages are culturally rich and it is important that we preserve and protect them. This year, we though it best to celebrate this diversity by celebrating throughout the whole year. 
Today we polled all the work the students had been doing, researching all the European countries and languages. We had a ceremony with the entire school.
 Because our school is so diverse, another activity we have planned is to invite some of the parents of our international students to speak about this home countries....but you will have to stay tuned for more information!

To find out more information visit the European Day of Languages at the European Council. You can find games, education resources, videos, and much more.


Dia 26 de setembre de cada any celebram el Dia Europeu de les Llengües.
Sabíes que a Europa hi ha 225 llengües autòctones ? Impressionant !!!!!

Les llengües són riquesa cultural i per això les hem de conservar i protegir. Enguany hem pensat que la millor manera de celebrar aquesta  diversitat és fer-ho durant tot l’any.
Avui hem posat en comú tota una feina prèvia de recerca d’informació de tots els països europeus, i les seves llengües. Ho hem fet  mitjançant un acte en el que ha participat tota l’escola, dels més petits fins els més grans. Ha anat beníssim !
Donat que la nostra escola és     , una altra activitat prevista és convidar alguns pares d’alumnes per què ens parlin del seu país d’origen.... però haureu  d’esperar  perquè això serà un altre dia !!!!
Si vols saber més entra a la  web del Día Europeo de las Lenguas, del Consell d’Europa. Hi trobareu jocs, recursos didàctics, vídeos i moltes més coses. 
Salut !

The English Team

Hi !

This is the new "English Team" for the 2013-2014 school year for both primary and secondary education. Perhaps you are seeing a new face? That is Alyssa, our new teaching assistant. She will be heere during the week to help out with both primary and secondary classes, how cool is that?
Som el nou “ English team “ per aquest curs 2013-2014, per a educació primària i secundària. Potser hi vegeu alguna cara nova......és n’Alyssa, la nostra auxiliar de conversa. Ella serà aquí per ajudar-mos en tot el que pugui, que de ben segur serà mooooolt !!!!

dimarts, 1 d’abril del 2014

March 2014 English Classes

March was a busy month for the Students at Sant Bonaventura in English Classes!

Our infantil Class was still busy working on "The Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. We spent time making our own caterpillars, painting one, and making costumes to put on a play telling the story!

 Finger Painting  our very own Caterpillars

Using Egg Cartons from the bakery to make Caterpillars with colored food cutouts inside!

In 2nd Grade we have been practicing animals and rooms in house, learning new vocabulary and how to form sentences!

In 3rd Grade we have spent time looking at clothes and talking about what we like and don't like in English!

In 4th grade, continuing with our theme of history, we have spent some time going over the Greek Gods! You can look at some of the material we used to cover Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece by clicking on the words!

5th grade spent the month of March learning and researching the planets in our Solar System!
The class was divided into groups that each did a presentation on the 8 planets in our Solar System!

6th grade has been practicing with the past tense and having conversations with Alyssa (our English teaching Assistant) about what they have done, where they have gone, etc!

English in February 2014!

English Classes for Primary-

Last week, in Infantil, we read the book ´The Very Hungry Caterpillar¨ by Eric Carle! The book contains lots of vocabulary about different types of food that the caterpillar ate. The students colored and cut out the food to put inside of cocoons this week.

On 12-2-2014 Fifth Grade made a Dirt Cake, consisting of crushed up oreos, cream, vanilla pudding, and of course some gummy candies to play in the dirt.

On 19-2-2014, 2nd grade played a review game going over all the English they have learned this year. The class was split into groups of 3 and we all yelled "roll the dice!" and said numbers, time, clothing names, colors, and some addition and subtraction!